Minzer Old Soul

vintage + handmade + inspirations

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Time Wasting

Provax on Etsy, loving this. http://www.etsy.com/shop/provax?ref=seller_info

"The 'Time Wasting Experiments' are an ongoing series of letterpress prints. These are in part inspired by tracking 'billable hours' but also come from the compulsion to always be doing things and producing objects. This series is a sort of audit of how I spend my time, but the prints could also be thought of as permission slips allowing you to spend a period of time in a wasteful way (maybe recontextualizing a private, shameful activities into something which one tries to get done in a set amount of time).This project is ongoing, so check back for new prints documenting my recent wastes of time.This is made with hand-set 10pt Caslon lead type, and printed on an old Vandercook press that is affectionately known around the studio as Tony.I am a printmaker and fiber artist, working during the week in an office. Because of this I have become sensitive to the conflict between my desire to produce work that can be affordable and my personal cost of production. If you like the work but are too cash-poor to purchase it, send me a message and we can trade.All prints in the 'Time Wasting Experiments' series are produced in unlimited editions, rather than limited editions."

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